Can't tell you what car to buy instead, as Honda's suck now too!Ĭ ® is an online automotive complaint resource that uses graphs to show automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by visitors to the site. We had a 2002 Highlander the we ran for 10 years & never changed anything but oil & break pads & tires.

This V 6 also has problems I've listed on other complaints such as leaking from the oil cooler hose, leaking from the timing chain cover, water pump bearing failures, and the list goes on & on. The oil seals, fail on this engine & it has nothing to do with how often you change the oil. They will also try to blame lack of perfect oil changes on the problem.

They will do nothing about it, & will give you a bunch of lame excuses from the dealer, until your warranty expires. Toyota knows that there is a consistent problem from design failure of oil flow to the top end of the motor, which will cause eventual engine failure. If you have this problem with your Toyota Highlander V 6 engine, or Venza or Camry get rid of it fast, before the problem becomes constant. The parts alone are nearly 2 grand, & the labor is another 2 grand as it calls for over 20 hours of labor to repair, at $85.00 per hour for most Toyota mechanics. The fix is VERY EXPENSIVE! It requires pulling the motor to remove & replace the cam shaft bearings, both of the two VVTI Timing actuators & the stretched timing chain. But over time it will cause severe engine wear & eventual failure. This does not sound so bad if its just happening for a couple of seconds. The actuator for the timing increases the pressure after a few seconds, taking the slack out from the timing chain. This causes the timing gears to grind & also stretches the timing chain over time. The seals of the top end of the motor leak when they age, & the oil drains back down away from these crucial parts at start up.

(Variable Valve Timing) actuators, tensioners & the camshaft bearing ends do not receive adequate oil pressure at engine start up. The engine grinds at start up, because the V.V.T.I. But none have stated what it specifically is, & the huge cost for this manufactures defect. Others have written about the grinding noise that the Toyota Highlander 3.5 Liter engine makes at cold start up.